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This year's theme of the year - 'Flourish your life! Gallop towards the world!' is a forward chapter of last year's one - 'Live a flourishing life, contribute to our society'.
We are hoping that our students' multiple capacity and moral characters can be nurtured by experiencing self-exploration, information technology, creative thinking learning mode, caring school culture, whole-school approach of service learning and reward scheme. At the same time, students' horizon and life experience will be broadened and they will be prepared to set goals outside Hong Kong.
The thorough implementation of the theme of the year attributes to the persistence of our vision of education. We adopt 'ACTIVE Education' as the teaching and learning mode, which was ideated by Professor Tam, School Supervisor, who based on the good faith of 'people-oriented' approach to make our school a place to provide ACTIVE learning environment and ACTIVE knowledge for our students. By implementing :
A: Authentic Learning(多元歷境學習)
C: Caring School Culture(關愛校園文化)
T: Technology(科技學習模式)
I: Innovative(創新思維)
V: Values(品德情意價值)
E: Esteem(正向自信人生)
we offer a theoretical foundation for our belief - 'All are educable' and our motto - 'To be erudite, to be creative', actualizing the idea of 'education is life and life is education' and cultivating positive attitude for students to face challenges in the future.
This year, three major concerns of our school are to :
1. Nurture students' moral characters
2. Boost learning effectiveness
3. Strengthen students' information literacy
We strongly believe that under the framework of our vision and motto, 'ACTIVE' Education can push forward these concerns so that our students can establish the nine values, namely, fortitude, respect, responsibility, citizenship, conscience, integrity, gratitude, caring and creativity, and lead our students to experience the world.